When buying a used car, you have 2 options: paying cash or getting a loan. Besides being the simplest way to pay for a car, paying cash gives you the best financing terms you will ever get. By paying cash, you avoid paying the interest payments that you must pay on a loan or lease. Loans are an agreement to lend money for the right to charge an interest rate on that money as it is paid back.
We offer a few different financing options for you to choose from. You can contact me directly @ 610-344-7872; You can fill out the online loan application (below) to which I will submit to one of the financial companies we are associated with, or you can contact:
Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union--(provided financial products and services to its members in the greater Philadelphia region and beyond since 1970). With Franklin Mint all Vehicles must be 2015 or Newer - Personal loans are accepted for older vehicles. Please click on the link below to be redirected to their web page to fill out the loan application or you can contact them directly @ 610-696-4999 option#3.
ONE MAIN FINANCIAL-- is the leader in offering nonprime customers responsible access to credit. Committed to being the partner of choice and empowering customers to reach a better financial future. STATE RESTRICTIONS--NOT AVAILABLE for RESIDENCE OF: HI, ND, NE, NJ, NV, OR, TX, VA, WV.
You also have the option to fill out the loan application below which will be submitted to them by one of our team members. You’ll like their rates. Tell them Terri sent you!
If you would like more information on your financing options, please call me direct at 610-344-7872.
Sumita Suresh
Assistant Branch Manager
phone: 610-696-4999 Ext. 3
Click to email Sumita